Case-control audit


For the case-control audit of the current cervical screening program, all invasive cervical and unspecified uterine cancers from 2002 until 2011 were retrieved from the National Swedish Cancer register.

A case validation through clinical records is finished, and all 4 652 cases of cervical/uterine cancer (excl. sarcoma) from the Cancer Registry have been individually reviewed by the same experienced gynecologist.


Table: Clinical Record Review (1)


Percentage of  cases (%)

From cancer register 4 652  
Excluded so far 369  
Confirmed and classified 4 275 100%
To be reviewed 0 0%



The diagnostic slides and the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue blocks from all these cervical cancer cases are currently collected (current status see table) from 25 different biobanks (local pathology laboratories) throughout Sweden. The diagnostic slides are reviewed by an experienced histopathologist, who confirms the diagnosis invasive cervical cancer and determines the histopathological type. Selected tissue blocks from these cases containing tumor-tissue are collected and sectioned in 5µm thin sections. The DNA from the sections is extracted and genetically sequenced to determine which HPV-types are prevalent in the tumor tissue.


Table: Collection of preparates for cases of cervical cancer between 2002 and 2011 in Sweden (overview of project status):

Process …of 25 Biobanks …of 4 275 cases
Percentage of cases (%)
Approved Biobank Applications 25 4 275 100
Diagnostic slides delivered 25 3 898 91
Histopathological Review (1) 25 3 898 91
Sectioning of FFPE-blocks 20 2 938 69
HPV-typing 20 2 913 (1) 68


Last update: 2016-11-03
Histopathology-review finished: 2016-08-31
Sample collection finished: 2016-10-16
(1) Labdata: 2016-11-03

Table: Collection of preparates for cases of cervical cancer between 2002 and 2011 in Sweden (project status per biobank): acces-websida_biobanker_161103